Thursday, July 31, 2008

She Loves the Nightlife, She's Got to Boogie

Project Runway - Season 5, Episode 3

This season's batch of contestants sure are shaping up to be some of the tritest famewhores ever, aren't they? Suede is still obnoxiously referring to himself in the third person, Blayne is still obnoxiously trying to coin a catchphrase, Stella is still obnoxiously squawking about how "rock and roll" she is (nothing with shades of Jeffrey is a positive thing), and Keith lives up to my first episode prediction by saying that he's not here to make friends. What a fresh outlook!

Anyhow, the designers are told that Tim is taking them out for a night on the town. They appear to take Heidi at her word, and if that's true, they're not only trite, but idiotic. The "night out" is really a bus tour of the city, during which the designers are told to take pictures that will inspire their next garment.

The gowns are constructed. Nothing interesting happens.

Runway show. Everyone at the viewing party enjoys Jerell's dress and hates Jennifer's. LabRat and Tiffany like Leanne's a great deal more than I do, but I do have to admit that it's far better than her uggo dress last week. Everyone else's is fair to middling, except Emily's poorly-placed ruffle and Blayne, who has yet to make something that isn't supremely tacky. The judges put Terri, Kenley, and Leanne in the top three, with Kenley's Dynasty-lookin' garment taking the win. I don't know; it certainly wasn't a contender for the bottom three, but I really didn't like the prairie neckline and huge shoulders. Keith, Emily, and Jennifer sink to the bottom, and in a fairly shocking elimination, Emily is sent packing. That ruffle was unsuccessful, but at least it had a point of view. I would have rather seen Jennifer go. She has to be the dullest contestant to date, with designs to match.

Overall Grade: C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this season of Project my mind it has already jumped-the-shark even without the help of it moving to Lifetime next season which I will not be watching! ugh! What a bummer this season is so far!