Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sew Me What You Got

Project Runway - Season 4, Episode 1

I've certainly missed Project Runway, and was highly anticipating tonight's premiere, so I'm sorry to say that it was really kind of...dull. We've got our usual group of fifteen prima donnas, queens, and mental patients, with a couple of normal people thrown into the mix. Casting reality shows is always a delicate balancing act between talent and drama, and my initial impression is that most of this lot is far more interested in acting up on television than in doing good work. Down that road lies crap like Season 2 of Top Chef, so let's hope I'm wrong.

Usually, the first challenge is about being creative and innovative by working with odd media. This time around, they just throw a bunch of varied, expensive fabrics at the designers, and let them do whatever they want. Coupled with the fact that some of them are already professionals, that doesn't strike me as much of a challenge. Surprisingly, even though they've gotten such a softball challenge, more than a few of the dresses wind up looking fairly nasty. The judges disagree with me, giving high praise to a couple of things that wouldn't look out of place on a baked potato. Still, we all agree that Rami deserves the win, and he does so, scoring immunity for next week. Down in Loserville, Simone makes a hideous dress hideously poorly, and is mericfully cut. Shame. She could have used the prize money to buy some eyebrow tweezers.

Overall Grade: C-

Edited To Add: Though I'll certainly be watching the rest of the episodes, I'll only have time to recap one show this season, and that show is The Amazing Race. Auf Wiedersehen, Heidi.

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