Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Finale - Part II

Top Chef - Season 4, Episode 14

Well, a combination of no time and little inclination to relive poor Antonia's elimination has made me fall behind on converting last week's episode to the long recap. Tonight's finale cheered me, so I'll be sure to go back and complete the series soon.

As with most finales, the final challenge is to cook a four-course meal in whatever style the chefs like. The first hitch is that they must each select a celebrity sous chef, each of whom come with their own basket of specific proteins. From there, the chefs must do a fish course, a poultry course, a meat course, and a dessert.

All three meals have high points and low points, but as with Casey's flameout, Richard kind of loses it at the last minute, leaving Stephanie and Lisa to battle over the ultimate title, with each of them having the favorite in two of the courses. Thankfully, Stephanie scores the win she richly deserves, which has the additional benefit of not throwing the world into the Apocalypse it would surely enter if Lisa had won.


dpaste said...

And, you failed to mention, the first female Top Chef, correct?

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person in the world who truly doesn't care if the winner of Top Chef is male or female? It kept coming up this season (and last season Casey kept talking about it), and honestly I just want the person who wins to be talented and not an a-hole. Gonads really don't factor.