Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pug Fugly

Project Runway - Season 3, Episode 3

Previously on Project Runway: Glinda the Good Witch stopped by to tell the designers that they'd be designing her evening gown for the Miss Universe pageant. Vincent annoyed Angela. Angela annoyed Vincent. Angela and Vincent annoyed everyone else. Malan's dress looked wooden and heavy. Kayne easily walked away with the challenge and immunity. The two squeaky wheels certainly didn't get the grease, and Malan got his walking papers. 13 designers remain. Who will be "out" tonight?

Opening credits. Vincent drapes his arms around two mannequins. Yeah, I'll bet being headless and inanimate is the only way people can stand him.

Morning. Alison stretches. Kayne promises not to send some crap down the runway just because he has immunity. The fact that people actually get eliminated is just starting to hit Robert. Katie says that Malan didn't deserve his elimination, but wasn't about to go down with him for something that wasn't her fault. So now that she's not saddled with a partner, I'm sure she'll blow us away with her design. Off to the runway! Heidi comes out with a perky "yoo hoo!" that makes it sound like she's about to break out yodeling. She looks a lot better this week. She tells the designers that this week's challenge will be designing an outfit around one of fashion's hottest accessories. Everyone grins except Angela, who's thinking hard. I can almost smell wood burning. Heidi tells them that Tim will fill them in on the details tomorrow, so the only reason they had to show up at the runway is for this week's Pointless Model Selection. Long story short, Kayne sticks with Katia, so poor Moon, who didn't even walk in last week's runway show, gets punted. And she's so pretty, too! Boo. Afterwards, Heidi sends them off. There's a shot of a black guy sitting with the designers. Who the hell is he?

Evening. The designers band together and try to figure out the accessory. Bonnie has no idea. Uli guesses it may be a belt or shoes. Kayne is wearing....a pink tiara made out of construction paper or something. Um, ok. In another room, the Mysterious Black Man hopes that the challenge will be one where they can really be creative. Bradley thinks it will be something that challenges versatility. The Mysterious Black Man interviews that he has no idea what it will be. Morning. A wet-haired Laura finds a note that all the rooms have received. There are directions from Tim Gunn to meet him in Central Park. Laura guesses from this that the accessory is horses. Where she got that from, I have no idea, but she's from New York and I'm not. In the next shot, the designers are walking out the door, and Laura has a riding outfit on. Hehehe. She's certainly clinging tightly to this idea that the challenge will have to do with horses. Kayne has no idea what the challenge will be. Vincent has no idea what the challenge will be. Uli has no idea what the challenge will be. Laura has no idea what the challenge will be. The Mysterious Black Man has no idea what the challenge will be. Gee, you think they're trying to fill some time here?

Finally, Tim comes over a grassy hill leading a pack of small dogs wearing shirts with their names on them. Awwww!!!! I tend to like bigger dogs, but a lot of these are so cuuuuuuuuute! The Boston terrier and the pug in particular. All the designers clap and laugh and are completely delighted, except for Laura, who looks like she's about to throw up. She interviews that she doesn't like dogs, because being 42 and having five kids means she doesn't have the emotional energy to care for one. Um, so? I don't have the financial resources or time to be a good dog owner, but that doesn't mean I can't like them. Stop pawning off your character flaws on your kids, dog hater. Each designer gets their own dog, and they step forward to pick. Uli gets the adorable pug. Jeffrey interviews that everyone "picked themselves" as far as getting a dog. I never thought I'd say it, but he's completely right. For instance, Keith picked one of those exotic, showy dogs that are supposed to be fancy, but in reality are just really odd and unattractive. Bradley has somehow gotten the poodle, while Alison has gotten a cute little scruffy dog. They both admit to being completely unmatched with their dogs, and make the wise decision to switch. Laura just waits until everyone else has a dog and takes the last one left, shoving her in her purse so she won't have to actually touch her. Boo! Tim tells the designers that it's time to walk back to the workroom, where they'll get more details about the challenge.

Workroom. Tim tells everyone that the challenge is to make an outfit for the model that's inspired by the dog. Further, the inspiration should be narrative. That is, the designer will use the dog for inspiration about a story concerning the dog's owner. Further further, the designer will have to make a complementary outfit for the dog itself. They'll have two days, 150 dollars, and half an hour to sketch, starting now. Robert, WHO IS WEARING HIS SUNGLASSES INDOORS AGAIN, tries to get his dog to sit down and stay so he can take a picture of her, and she's not cooperating. Hehehe. I wouldn't cooperate with someone who wears their sunglasses inside either. Quick tangent. I thought that idiotic habit was just an outbreak among people on television, but I went to Trader Joe's the other night, and saw no less than three people with sunglasses on. It was 7:30 PM! Indoors! Freaks. Laura's dog keeps walking onto her sketchpad as she tries to draw. Hehehehe. Awesome. Cute Bradley and his cute dog sit there looking cute. Alison's already got her idea, about a fashionista who travels the world. She's going to make a little motorcycle jacket for her dog. Robert still can't get his dog to hold still. Angela's is far more docile, probably depressed and thinking "Oh, crap. What sort of shit is this woman going to dress me in?". Angela's story is about a British headmistress of an art camp (Jubilee Jumbles. No, I'm not making that up.) in Paris. The headmistress is throwing a birthday party for the camp's mascot, Pattycake. Why would the head of a prestigious European art camp throw a birthday party for her dog? Why would an art camp have a mascot? Why am I trying to delve into Angela's psyche?

Robert still can't make his dog hold still. Heh. Keith says he'll make a collar for the dog, but that's about it, because dressing up the dog is stupid.'s part of the challenge. Who cares if it's stupid? Just do it. It's not as if everyone's going to think it was your idea to make a little jumper for the dog or whatever. Keith is such a tool. Vincent's dog is apparently a boy, yet has a little yellow bow in his hair. I'm really not willing to take Vincent's word for anything. Katie's dog gives her a high five. Awwwwww! Tim comes in to announce that time's up, and we get the first and only shot of the Mysterious Black Man and his dog since the designers arrived at the park. He doesn't get to speak, of course. Bonnie's dog leaps up and gives her a kiss. Awwwwww! At the fabric store, Alison knows exactly what she wants, Uli picks up a leopard print fabric that looks a little tacky at first glance, and Kayne gets a psychadelic, colorful print that looks like something a go-go dancer would wear. I mean that as a compliment. He compares fabric with Laura and Robert. Robert's got a pink, plaid tweed. Laura's got more staid, reserved fabrics, and kids that hers is more tasteful than theirs. Robert easily snaps back that Laura always confuses taste and style. Heh. Kayne gets all offended in an interview. Dude. She was kidding. Chill.

Back at the workroom, the designers have six hours to work. The dogs have vanished. Katie interviews that it's tough to create a dress, because her background is more in casual sportswear. Tim never said they had to make a dress. He said to create a woman's outfit based around a story. Why not go ahead and make sportswear for this challenge? Odd. Angela blabs some twaddle about spring colors because her dog was born in spring, and says that she's making little rosettes out of different colors of fabric. Um. Robert shares his story with us. Park Avenue princess is checking into rehab and needs someone to watch her dog for the weekend. Hahahaha. He says he hates making up stories like that, and that they're stupid. Ironic that his will turn out to be one of the best. Also, note that he thinks it's stupid, but is doing it anyway, because it's part of the challenge, Keith. Half an hour left in Day One. Laura is practically finished already. Jeepers. Worrysome "Designer In Trouble" music. Shot of Bradley. Keith interviews that he's daydreamy and has time-management issues. I'd like to disagree, but it looks like he's right. Bradley interviews that his original vision for the top was too hard to sew, and after making various adjustments, decided to scrap the whole damn thing and try again. Alison comes over to talk to him, and he tells her that tomorrow's going to be hectic. They've struck up quite the little friendship. Everyone leaves the workroom to go to bed. Bradley stays behind for a minute, worrying about what he's going to do.

Commercials. AmerenUE is working hard to restore your power, St. Louis! Sure, the lion's share of the blame for your eight-day outage is probably theirs, but they'll have you back on and running soon! Of course, if you don't have electricity, you're not seeing this commercial, but what's a little logic when it comes to blatant ass-covering?

Morning. The Mysterious Black Man's head and torso are covered by a comforter, but his legs are sticking out, making him look like a cult member who just drank the Kool-Aid. Various people drink coffee, and then it's off to work. Vincent, wearing the same shirt he seems to wear in every interview ever, says that it's "going to come down to the wire". I guess he means time-wise. Jeffrey sets a new record by having two interviews in a row without pissing me off. This one's about how designing for people and dogs is essentially the same, and that the designers in the room all have a unique point of view. Vincent shows off the polka dot outfit he's made for the dog with its accompanying white hat. It looks like a drag queen outfit. He cracks himself up to the point where he can barely speak. He goes on to be disdainful in an interview of the people who aren't concentrating enough on their dog's outfit. No matter how valid his point is, I don't really think the guy who has yet to place out of the bottom three gets to give advice or moralistic lectures on anything.

In the sewing room, Katie asks how Bradley's new design is coming along. He says that everything should be fine as long as everything goes smoothly. Oh, dear. He reiterates that he's had to restart his top. Someone announces that Bradley's birthday is tomorrow. Everyone cheers. LAURA IS WEARING HER SUNGLASSES INSIDE. I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!! Here's the part where I owe Jeffrey a small apology. In last week's preview, I thought I heard him say "I hope Bradley goes home on his birthday," but what he actually says is "What if Bradley goes home on his birthday?" That's not assholish. My bad! Keith interviews that he hopes Bradley will survive elimination, but that he is taking way too long. "If he had just gone with his vision, it still couldn't have been any worse than anything Angela did." Hahahahaha! That is so cruel! And yet, so true. He goes on to say that her outfit looks like a big bag of Skittles. Hey, don't insult Skittles! Odd music starts that would normally be used to announce something like "Here come the gauchos!" Here, it's used to point out the weird-ass outfit Angela's putting together. I don't even know what to make of those poofy cloth rosettes at this point.

Meanwhile, Keith himself isn't winning any popularity contests. He's trying to find a sewing machine to work on, and is sarcastically pestering everyone else about which one he wants. Even Jeffrey's like "Man, is that guy full of himself". Laura interviews that she's had a problem with Keith over the past couple of weeks. Presumably because she's normal and he's an egomaniac. She talks with Michael, who finally gets the dignity of an interview and a name. Of course, all he gets to say is that Keith is hogging the sewing machines. Laura goes in to throw down with Keith on Michael's behalf. Having a skinny, 42-year-old white woman fighting Michael's battles for him is the funniest thing ever, by the way. "I'm just tryin' to protect mah maaayun!" she says in full-on ghetto voice. Laura interviews that Keith is a shithead and is arrogant. Keith interviews that Laura is a "bad mommy", whatever the hell that means. Bradley interviews that he's trying to avoid all the personality clashes, because he's got enough on his plate right now, what with the garment construction issues he's having.

Evening. Two hours left. Tim checks in. Katie's top is layered fabric in different shades of green. I'm generally predisposed to liking anything green, but I'm not feeling it right now. She says that her dog will be wearing a hooded sweater, which is cute, but the model's dress is too simple. Tim says basically that. Katie suggests putting together a quick matching hoodie for the model, and Tim thinks it's a good idea. Tim tells Uli that he was suspicious of her fabric choice at first, but that it's really coming together now. Uli always has a look on her face like she's waiting for the axe to drop. Tim is also very happy with Alison's work, especially the little leather jacket she's made for her poodle. Worrysome music. Tim tells Keith that his dress is great and innovative. Across the room, Laura rolls her eyes. Heh. Keith tells Tim that the type of woman who would wear this dress wouldn't dress her dog up. Nice try, ass. Tim duhs that the dog outfit is part of the challenge, and that Keith would be unwise to ignore it.

Wow. Angela. I'll save description for the runway show, but suffice it to say... Ew. Tim settles for "over the top". Uli interviews that she was worried for Angela, because she didn't understand her design. It's kind of her to put it like that, rather than "What the fuck is that girl thinking?", which is what everyone viewing this episode in my living room said. Bradley. Tim really dislikes the top, and asks Bradley to explain it. Bradley says something about how it reflects his dog's personality, but Tim says that if the top's not pretty (which it isn't), it won't matter how well it matches the story or the dog. He tells Bradley to redo it. Yeek. Bradley exhales worriedly. Tim leaves. Work montage. Uli's dog outfit has the words "Hi, Ladies" on the side for the judges. Huh. I guess the contestants know who all the judges will be ahead of time. Keith advises Bradley to do an extremely simplistic top to save time. Vincent likens Bradley's style to jumping off a bridge and finding things on the way down. OK, then. As time runs out, Bradley is still unhappy with the top. He considers not showing the outfit at all, which Keith says is impossible. Yes, the same Keith who has completely ignored his dog. Bradley doesn't want to get eliminated on his birthday, but doesn't know what he's going to do. He pretends to hang himself. Aw.

Commercials. It's probably wise that the woman in the Home Depot commercial is shown for all of two seconds, given her haircut.

Morning. I'm glad nobody films me in the morning, because I suspect I'd look as horrible as these people. Keith is forced to give an interview while still half-asleep, and I'm impressed he was able to identify what challenge he's working on. I can't spell my name until I've been up for a while. Bradley is nervous. Katie says that they don't want Bradley to go home on his birthday. "Heh caaand gah haame ahn hees buuurfday," Bonnie agrees as she brushes her teeth. Workroom. There's an hour before the models arrive. Tim comes over to check on Bradley and to wish him a happy birthday. His top is still a mess, and there's been nothing made for the dog, either. Oh, dear. He goes into overdrive work mode. Ah, those. Never fun. The models start coming in, so that was a fast hour. Clarissa skips up to Bradley, who gives her the bad news that they may not even have anything to show. She says that she really doesn't want to go home, and good point. It's one thing for designers to fall on the sword, but quite another to essentially eliminate the model right along with them. Luckily, Clarissa's predicament motivates Bradley to pull something together rather than giving up. He sends her to hair and makeup. Alison supervises her model's styling session. She's confident in her work on this challenge, and wants to win. She's still really pretty, by the way, and I'm glad that she's not so robotic this week. Clarissa gossips about Bradley not being done with the makeup artist.

Tim makes another announcement. The other models are coming in. Yay! The human models bring them in. Uli's dog rests its head on her boobs. Heh. Laura seems happier with her dog now, seemingly because she stood there and let Laura pull the outfit on. Vincent's dog looks downright goofy.

Limecrete: "He really does look like a drag queen."
Kenda: "He looks like Thurston Howell."

Keith delusionally thinks that he's going to win the challenge. Katie takes pictures of her model holding the dog. She interviews that she didn't have time to finish making the hooded jacket for her model, because she had to finish up the dog's outfit. Bradley finally finishes up by creating a poofy top for his model and a simple little fabric collar for the dog. Time for the show. Uli's model looks down at the dog she's carrying and makes a disgusted face at the camera. Did it just pee on her?

Commercials. Shut up, Collier Strong.

Runway. Heidi describes the entire challenge again. Tonight's judges will be Vera Wang, Nina Garcia, and Ivanka Trump (Donald's daughter, who's very pretty). Let's start the show! I wonder how they determine the order. Anyhow, Kayne's dress is up first, with models Katia (human) and Molly (dog). The skirt is really pretty. It's that psychadelic print fabric. There's a black vinyl belt and a white, cleavage-baring top. The headband matches the skirt, as does the lining of the vinyl cape draped from her shoulders. The dog's outfit is less impressive. It's a black vinyl wrap with a weird, vampiric collar and a swath of the print fabric pinned on. Kayne's hair is getting redder and redder, while his cheeks appear to be getting plumper. I swear he's morphing into Strawberry Shortcake right before our eyes. If he gets a poofy hat, we'll know for sure. Uli's dress, modeled by Lindsay and Einstein. It's cute. The front is a print that's just as busy as Kayne's but not as bright. The back incorporates straps of the leopard print material. There's also a jacket. Einstein's outfit is made of the same leopard-print fabric, and when he turns to walk back down the runway, the judges get the "Hi, Ladies" message flashed at them. Nina is delighted. Next is Robert's dress, modeled by Danielle the Sevenhead and Chanel. Luckily, Danielle has been given a swept-forward hairstyle so her enormous face is covered. The model's outfit is pretty. The skirt is pink, plaid tweed, and the top is white and flowing, with bows at the chest. As with Kayne's, the dog is underdesigned for. It's a wrap of pink with some of the tweed material overlaid on it.

Alison's dress, modeled by Toni and Pepito. It's interesting. There's a white jacket that closes at the neck, but is otherwise open. The dress beneath is fitted white fabric with black leggings, and her hair is swept straight back, forming a sort of faux-hawk. Pepito has a white leather jacket with brassy buttons. I don't like the white leather on a white dog, but it's a good idea, design-wise. Bradley's dress, modeled by Clarissa and Stanley. I like his color combination a lot. The skirt is dark blue-gray, while the top is shimmering gold. Stanley's collar is made of the dark blue material and comes to cute little points, much like a sailor's collar. He looks adorable. And the much discussed top? I don't like it. It's poofy, which I understand is popular in the fashion industry, but I don't get. Keith's dress, modeled by Nazri and Morgan. The dress is super cool. It's a dark red material, and is sleeveless, but what's really neat about it is the collar. It's folded over on itself in a circle so that it makes a ring of points, like Nazri's head is sticking out of a bear trap or something. I'm not describing it well, but it's pretty. And Morgan? Nothing. Keith voices-over some blah about how the dog doesn't need accessories, but we've heard it all before, and he's just as wrong now as he was then.

Bonnie's dress, modeled by Marilinda and Sparkle. Ugh, way to ruin a completely adorable Boston terrier with a stupid name. I can't quite make out what Sparkle's outfit is supposed to look like. It looks like a dairy cow print. Marilinda's outfit is a simple black dress with a long white jacket. I like the jacket, but it's unremarkable otherwise. Katie's dress, modeled by Amanda and Talulah. The garment never got the elaboration it needed. It's the same simple, green-layered dress we saw in the beginning stages. It's certainly not bad; just overly basic, like entering standard chocolate chip cookies into a baking contest. Talulah's hooded green sweater is very cute, though. Michael's dress, modeled by Alexandra and Carly. Who, who, and who? Poor Michael. He's going to have to start throwing tantrums or something, just to get a little screen time. The dress is interesting. It's a little boring in that all the clothes are monochromatic (sort of a golden-brown), but it's tailored very well. The top is criss-crossing bands of fabric that almost completely cover the chest, but grant little peeks through here and there. The bottom of the skirt is fitted and the hems have a regular pattern of slits that look pretty neat.

Vincent's dress, modeled by Jia and Lil' A. It's ugly. Everything Vincent has made has been ugly. What is he doing on this show? It's a simple black dress over black leggings (that stop at the calf) and a black beret. Lil' A has a polka dot outfit and a white hat. I'm still exhausted with Vincent from last week, so I'll just give him a "feh" and move on. Laura's dress, modeled by Katie and Sophia. It's chic and preppy, just like Laura has done in the past. Ralph Lauren must be her hero. It's a tweed dress with a fur collar that comes down to the chest, and the fur is used at the cuffs as well. Sophia has a matching outfit, and the fur trim has given her a sort of lion's mane. Heh. Oh, dear God. I can't put off Angela's outfit any more. Here it is, modeled by Camilla and Pattycake (I refuse to make that two words like the subtitles did). OK, so it's sort of a black fabric sleeveless top, bare midriff, poofy pink skirt (similar to the tutu-lookin' monstrosity Angela herself wore last week) with multicolored rosettes hanging off, and thigh high boots. Pattycake doesn't look much better, being swathed in a bunch of the black fabric and rosettes at the paws. This outfit looks like stuff Cyndi Lauper threw out in 1982 because it was too over-the-top for her.

Jeffrey's dress, modeled by Javi and Flex. It's my favorite of the things Jeffrey has done, because it actually looks like a dress this week. There are three overlapping layers of off-white fabric in the skirt, and the top is multicolored brown fabric and two spaghetti straps coming up to the neck. It's tough to see what Flex has on, but I can tell you he has sleeves, which is funny. On the way back down the runway, Flex starts rubbing himself on the ground, probably trying to get his outfit off. Hehehe. That whole show was awesome. Thumbs up on the challenge design this week. The designers step onto the runway. Step forward when called. Alison. Bradley. Keith. Angela. Katie. Uli. If she hasn't called your name, see you next week. The remaining designers have the highest and lowest scores. The models emerge.

The judges start with Uli. Her story is about a woman who goes shopping, then goes to bed, then eats lunch with her friends, then goes shopping again. Um. All right, then. Ivanka approves of the story, and all of the judges love the dress overall, especially the leopard-print straps in the back. Yeah, those are great. Vera likes that the dog's outfit made her look more feminine, since pugs often look so "butch". Katie. Her story is about Talulah, and how since she's sporty, her owner is very simple and only dresses up on occasion, to go to Sunday brunch or whatever. These people are terrible at making up stories. Heidi likes Talulah's outfit more than the one Amanda's wearing. Ivanka admits the dress is very wearable, but agrees that it's too simple. Nina, who always has an eagle eye for spotting unfinished hems...spots an unfinished hem. Katie blames the sewing machines. It doesn't fly, and Talulah starts whimpering a bit. Heh. Alison. Her story is about a Japanese woman who works in the fashion industry and insists on traveling with her dog. She's in New York to act as a buyer at Fashion Week. OK, that's much better than "Um...well, she's a woman who...eats lunch!" The judges love her story, love the dress, love the dog's outfit, and love the hairstyle that Alison suggested for Toni. Alison grins.

Angela. Heidi tells her that the model looks a lot like what Angela herself wears. Ouch. Angela recounts her ridiculous story of the British woman running a French art camp or whatever. Nina gets a smile on her face as she looks down at her scoring card, clearly thinking that Angela couldn't be more full of shit. Heidi asks how old the kids at the camp would be, and Angela says they'd be six through twelve. The judges pounce on the fact that the director of a camp with kids that young wouldn't look like a streetwalker. Nina can't even come up with anything to say, she hates the outfit so much. Vera says the skirt is draped well, but Angela needs to focus on style. As Heidi addresses Bradley, Stanley starts to whimper and bark a bit. Heh. Heidi tells Stanley he's a bad boy, and I can't do the line justice, but it was hilarious. Bradley calms him down by bending over and picking him up to pet him, which is so cute, I about melted. His story is that Clarissa is an architect that appreciates simplicity and structure. That's not really a story. After a suspenseful pause, Vera tells him she really likes the idea of the outfit and the color combinations. Hey, that's what I said! Call me, Vera! She also likes Clarissa's hairstyle, which I'm pretty sure Bradley had nothing to do with. Nina likes the outfit's look in profile. The judges also like the collar he's made for Stanley. Nina calls the whole thing "daring" and says that she could picture shooting it for Elle. So Bradley pulled a top three placement directly out of his ass. It's nice, because I like him, but I'm still a bit suspicious of the choice. I wouldn't put it past the producers to pull a few backstage strings so that Bradley the Underdog comes from behind on his birthday to wow the judges. It's just very...neat.

Keith. He says that the woman Nazri represents is sophisticated, modern, and elegant. Since she has a rare breed of dog, she doesn't want to dress her up. Subtle. The judges fail to be idiots, and address the fact that Morgan doesn't have an outfit. Keith says that he styled the dog (with the collar), but Heidi points out that the collar is an accessory, not an outfit that Keith constructed. Nina likes the dress, but is disappointed in the lack of a dog outfit. Angela grins. That may have not been the true reaction shot, but still. Shut up, Angela. Heidi asks how the judges are supposed to judge him on the challenge, when he didn't complete it. He says he did, because Morgan is wearing a sash. Heidi asks if he made the sash, and his facade of bullshit caves in. Nina tells him that if he's going to give the judges a hard time, they're going to give him a hard time right back. Heidi gets up and comes over to Morgan to inspect her neck, and tells the other judges that what Keith is trying to pass off as his work is a bracelet with a tiny sash of fabric that he's put on. Guess your snow jobs need work, Keith. The designers are sent off. Deliberations. Bradley's was interesting and original. Uli has a good eye for color and thought about the dog's outfit. Alison was the only one to understand the full look. Katie's dog hoodie was nice, but that's about it. Angela is a tacky mess. Keith is an arrogant prick, but his dress was lovely. The designers are called back out.

This week's nice thing about someone I don't like: There's a church within walking distance of my apartment and serves as my polling place when elections and such roll around. It seems to be full of your run-of-the-mill, anti-intellectual, hyper-religious bigots, but man, do I like having them there, because it means it takes me practically no time to vote.

Decision. We start with the challenge winner this week. Uli. Aw, that's nice. She's been turning out consistently good work. I note that she still has that look of panic on her face, like Heidi's about to tell her she was just kidding, and that Uli should get the hell out of her sight. Alison looks disappointed. She's the next one declared safe. Bradley is in. He tells Alison and Uli backstage how surprised he is. Yeah, no kidding. Heidi tells Keith that he may have won this challenge, had he actually completed it. He's in. He gives a Santinish interview that I'm not really anxious to revisit. So it's down to Katie and Angela. Katie's outfit was poorly executed and uninspired. Angela has shitty taste. Angela... Is... In. Crap! What sort of monkey turd is she going to have to make to get cut? I guess Katie got eliminated precisely because Angela has such bad taste. Bad taste = fodder for discussion. Fodder for discussion = ratings. So it's poor, boring Katie who must take the walk of shame. In her exit interview, she is disappointed, and disagrees that her outfit was uninspired. She liked this outfit, and having to leave for an outfit she's not embarrassed by is the best way to go. That's probably a healthy way to look at it. She leaves a note wishing everyone else luck. Bye, Katie! Please take that thing out of your chin.

Next week on Project Runway: Blah, blah real world industry experience. Who cares? Next week is the scandal that has rocked the water cooler for days! Someone's getting kicked off! Who will it be? Oh, please let it be Keith.

Overall Grade: A-


Hammer said...

Yeah! I love reading your Project RUnway posts. And I'm thrilled it's back on.

One more day until we find out who gets kicked off. Any thoughts?

I hope it's that bitch Allison. I hate her! Ugh.

Hammer Che

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that Keith gets kicked off the show for plaigarism. Apparently, the outfits that he showed at the interview were copied from other designers.

Limecrete said...

I hope it's that bitch Allison. I hate her! Ugh.

Really? As of right now, I don't think she's interesting enough to hate.

I heard a rumor that Keith gets kicked off the show for plaigarism. Apparently, the outfits that he showed at the interview were copied from other designers.

I read that, too, and saw pictures of the similiarities, which are far too numerous to be coincidental. But then I also heard that that part of the portfolio was copied on purpose as some sort of exercise, so I have no idea if it was really "illegal".

Hammer said...

Hey limey. I realized lastnight that I said I hate allison on here. I meant Angela. That googly-eyed twat.

I like Allison. She seems sweet. And her clothes are pretty hot!

and YAY for Keith being off the show!

