Monday, July 17, 2006

Wall to Wall

Project Runway - Season 3, Episode 1

Previously on Project Runway: The streets were crammed with designers trying to make a name for themselves and people who never got enough love as child and are trying to fill the void by getting attention on TV. That's not to say those two things can't coexist, Jeffrey. Fifteen new chimps joined the zoo, and now we can get down to the business of weeding them out one by one. Who will be cursed with the awful shame known as First One Out?

Opening credits. Jeffrey claims to have mad skillz. Will said skillz pay the billz?

New York. Obviously, this show hates my guts, because the first person we see is Malan wending his Nosferatu-lookin' ass down the street. Ugh. I'm not just writing "Ugh". When Gnat and I watched this, I literally could not see him on-screen without groaning in distaste. He says he was born in Taiwan, and has a British accent of questionable authenticity. He says that his "raw talent" will set him apart from the other designers, then cackles unattractively. To save time, you can pretty much automatically add "unattractively" to any Malan-connected verb. Oh, and he's still doing that thing where he talks out of the side of his mouth. After he's settled in the Atlas, his first roommate walks in. Michael Knight from "the A-T-L". Holla! There's vaguely racist hip-hoppy music in the background. I'm too enraptured by the fantasy that Michael will smother Malan in his sleep to care. Bradley and Robert round out the four who will be making up this room. I don't have to reintroduce them both, do I? Hippie Guy and Barbie Designer. There, you're caught up.

Laura walks down the street. She interviews that her background is in architecture, but her passion is fashion. I love me some Laura, but if I never hear "passion for fashion" again, it'll be too soon. Yes, it rhymes! We all get it now! The same goes for "need for speed", thanks. She goes on to say that she never dresses down, because when you're 42 and have five kids, it's a slippery slope into sweatpants and a minivan. Hahahahahaha! Love her. After she's settled, she's joined by Angela, the Ohio farmgirl. I realize Angela wants to break out of the "these people are going to think I'm a dowdy Midwesterner" mold, but the foofy skirt and pink(!) sheer(!!) leggings(!!!) were not the way to go about it. She looks like Punky Brewster. Laura says that she's often wondered what goes on in Ohio, activating my New York Snobbery alarm system, but they're thankfully interrupted by the arrival of Stacey, so we can cut that conversation off before it got to "So do you, like, milk cows?"

Out in the hallway, Kayne cannot quite figure out how to open his suite's door. Jeffrey stands behind him grinning. Oh, you can bet Jeffrey's got his sunglasses on and his hood up. We revisit a bit of Kayne's bio video, with his pretty-pretty-princess prom boutique. He wants to prove that people from all over the country can make it in the fashion world. Well, Jay's from Pennsylvania, and Chloe's from Texas. I think you're a little late, Kayne. Jeffrey jumps on the bed. Jeffrey has gotten tattoos put onto his neck, which weren't there when he auditioned. Jeffrey keeps his hood up in his interviews. There, I said his name three times in three sentences. Is that enough attention for a little while? Next into the room is Vincent, who gets joy buzzered when he shakes Jeffrey's hand. Oh, Christ. Jeffrey's like Andrae without the sense of whimsy. Keith comes in, looking just as cute as he did when he auditioned. He explains that he designs menswear, but would like to get into women's clothing. No, not like that.

Back to the ladies! Alison comes into Laura, Angela, and Stacey's room. She's still pretty, and wants exposure from the show. A lot of these contestants have said that, and while it may be honest, it strikes me as kind of tacky. I have nothing against having that as a motive, but it's a bit like telling the hostess of a party that you showed up because you were hoping to make some business contacts. In the other ladies' room, Uli and Bonnie stride in. They tell us the same things they told us in the casting special (that is, Uli's from Germany and Bonnie designed outfits for Serena Williams, which she shouldn't really admit, because ew). Katharine (hereafter known as Katie, unless she becomes intolerable and earns a nasty nickname) is the next one in. They divide up sleeping space, and beyond a wry remark about snoring, manage to do it without throwing a stupid, massive hissyfit.

Everyone has a note in their rooms. They intercut shots of people reading it. Robert pretends everyone's been kicked off the show, which isn't one-twentieth as funny as Michael's face when he hears that. Actually, it's a missive from Tim, who asks everyone to unpack, then come up to the roof for a celebratory toast with him and Heidi. Everyone dutifully shuffles out and gathers up on the rooftop. Heidi talks about the Atlas and reintroduces Tim, then tells them that it'd be a good "idear" to pop a bottle of champagne. Oh, that's always a good "idear", Heidi. The designers sip their bubbly and toast themselves. Vincent tells us (again, as he did in the casting special - I mean, I'm glad I know these people's names right off the bat, but what was the point of all that if you're just going to reintroduce everybody and their life stories?) that the fashion business beat him up and left him for dead, but he's ready to give it another shot. He has cashed out his 401K, so I'm sure he'll be extra careful to make something amazingly beautiful, since he and his wife's financial future rests on it, right? Right?

Robert tells Angela and Michael about working for Isaac Mizrahi. Angela wants to hear some dirt about him. Heh. Robert interviews that he designs for Barbie, and blah blah WE'VE HEARD ALL OF THIS ALREADY. Heidi asks Stacey who she's bonded with, and Stacey responds that she just loves everyone! Oh, this can't end well. When she reintroduces herself, she does use the Spanish pronunciation of her last name (Estrella), so I was wrong in the casting special. She's not American enough at all! I'm sure INS is beating down her door right now. She talks about her Harvard MBA and a dot-com business that she used to have. You'll also never guess what fashion is to her. That's right, it's her passion! Sigh.

Heidi gathers everyone for an announcement. Jeffrey rubs his hands with devilish glee, because how else will he draw everyone's eyes to him? He does have a distinguished achievement. I'm already tired of him, and it's only a few minutes into the first "real" episode. That's got to be some kind of record. Heidi asks how everyone likes their new digs. Everyone's like "yay!". Too bad, chumps! The first challenge is to create a dress from materials found in the apartment. Tim stresses that the challenge is about innovation, and says that anything found in the apartment is ripe for picking. Angela's shocked. Alison is boring. Hey, she should be pleased to be so dull. So was Danzzz at this point. Heidi goes on to say that the dress should express who the person is as a designer. They have fifteen minutes to rip shit up and stuff it into a laundry bag. Finders keepers, as far as materials go. Malan is irritated with the lowbrow aspect of the challenge, because he's a douchebag. Got all that? Good. Go!

Everyone tears downstairs. It took a second viewing, but Gnat pointed out that the rooms seem pre-set for this kind of destruction. There's far more decoration than you'd see in most places, and a lot of it appears to have been put there just so people could use it in this challenge. Malan says that everyone was in a rush. Yeah, you'd almost think there was a time limit or something. Keith rips down some curtains and grabs some bedsheets. Jeffrey rips a lampshade off a lamp. Kayne is slicing away at a leather (or leather-ish) chair. Vincent slices into a mattress pad. It's madness, I tell you!

Stacey runs into the bathroom for the shower curtain. Laura is far less chaotic than anyone else. She calmly snags a fur rug and some sparkly chandelier hangings, and appears satisfied. More ripping of lampshades, sheets, and couch lining. Stacey grabs some sheer curtains. She says that people have to think offensively (like what they need to complete their garments) and defensively (taking shit so that other people couldn't get to them). She giggles. I like Stacey. Time winds down. Bradley finds a pillow in a closet and pulls the pillowcase off. Robert points out that the pillow isn't so much the Atlas' as his. Why he brought a pillow to an apartment where bedding is provided is unclear, given that it doesn't seem to be a special pillow in any way. Also, he has unnaturally blinding white teeth. You can stop at four layers of Whitestrips, dude. Looks like Bradley gets the pillow anyway, and while I should officially be on Robert's side (I mean, silly or not, it is his), I like Bradley far more than I like him, so he can fight his own battles. Malan is "shocked" at people's "inappropriate" behavior. Yeah, you'd almost think that tearing things up was part of the challenge. Does Malan drift in and out of reality a lot? Time's up! People gather the bags full of the stuff they snagged and head out. We get a few shots of the destruction they've left behind. Vincent has no idea what he's going to do with his materials.

Commercials. A clothing company feels the need to tell us that they have a women's and men's collection. Um, thanks for outlining that for us. I was sitting here wondering if you designed clothing for squid.

Malan recaps the challenge for us. In future, anyone else would be a better choice to do exposition for the audience. Even some random person you pull off the street. Robert thinks some "serious editing" will need to go into the materials. Ya think? Tim comes in to talk to everyone as they're unpacking. It's 5PM, and they have until 1AM to complete their look. Tim reminds them to be innovative and expressive. Models have been assigned for the first challenge, just as last year. That's probably more important than it seems, because most of the designers last season stuck with the model that they got by chance. The models' measurements have been provided. I'm lucky I don't have to put those on my resume. Ah, here's a change from last time. Whoever wins the challenge gets immunity in the next one. Fascinating. Tim leaves, and everyone gets started. Angela seems equally worried about the dress aspect and the trying-to-get-along-with-these-other-freaks aspect. Kayne isn't used to working with rubber doormats. Yeah, I doubt that's a popular prom gown choice these days. Keith interviews that he comes from a menswear background. Really? Why has nobody mentioned it before? He's never made a dress in his life, but is confident in his superb taste, which he says is better than everyone else's. He does not deign to explain how he knows other people's taste levels challenges.

Jeffrey does some stuff. I'm going to ignore Jeffrey unless he does or says something of particular note, which means we should see about 70% less of him around here. Whee! I'm drunk with power! Katie and Bradley work with down comforters, and feathers are flying everywhere. Katie kids that she's trying to take down the people with allergies. Heh. Bradley clucks. In the sewing room, Uli and Keith are hard at work, while Stacey looks around blankly. She doesn't know how to use the industrial sewing machines. Sigh. She goes to Keith for some advice, and he shreds her in an interview. She really should know how to use these things, but man. Last season was popular for good reason, but do we really need Marla, Part II? Also, I'm worried that Keith is going to be a talented designer who turns out to be a huge jerk that we'll have a lot of trouble getting rid of. It's a little too early to call, but he's starting to leak some smarm. Stacey gives up on the machines, and switches to sewing by hand.

Two hours left. Tim comes in to check on everyone. Vincent is putting a basket on the mannequin's head and squinting at it. Tim doesn't like the pockets on his dress, and I agree. It's white linen-ish material (on a light purple dress), with yellow spangles on it. It's clashy. Vincent brings up the basket, which Tim doesn't think works on its own as a hat. Vincent proposes draping it with chain. Tim appears desperate to jump off this sinking ship, and goes to check on Jeffrey. He's working on a jacket and a dress simultaneously, and Tim thinks the two pieces are competing with each other. He doesn't know quite what to make of Stacey's dress, beyond that the shower curtain rings look out of place. She suggests moving them to the sash, and he warns against going over-the-top. I don't think I'm giving away too much to say that his admonishment about over-the-topness would be better served if given to other people. Keith shows Tim the dress he's making out of a royal blue bedsheet. It's cute already; very Marilyn Monroe-ish. Tim worries that making a bedsheet into a dress isn't innovative enough. Keith responds to this in an interview by saying he doesn't necessarily respect the judges' sense of style. Well, that's kind of irrelevant. Yeah, we've got a villain in the making. Crap, I never saw this one coming. Tim recommends at least attempting to add some elaboration with other materials. Those are all the conferences we see. Hmm, do you think that the people we saw discussing things with Tim will wind up in the top/bottom three? That would be uncanny!

People continue to work. Jeffrey interviews that looking around the room, he saw a bunch of "remedial, intermediate bullshit". Well, then I guess if all these losers blow you away in the challenge, you'd feel like a giant piece of crap, huh, Jeffy? Robert thinks Jeffrey's putting too much into his dress. Another work montage, and time's up. Stacey hopes to add a second layer to her dress in the morning, but just wants to be sure she's got something finished and wearable tonight. Laura interviews that everyone was exhausted and grumpy when they left the workroom. They come home to discover that nothing has been touched. Their places are still trashed. Hehehe. Everyone's pissed off. Stacey is thrilled to discover her towel somehow survived the onslaught, and Laura throws a pillow at her in mock anger. Awesome.

Commercials. If the first words I ever hear out of you are "People think I'm a bitch, and I'm not", then you're a bitch.

Morning. Alison stretches. Stacey looks around like she's scared she's about to get mugged. Laura brushes her teeth. Of course the morning interview is with frigging Jeffrey, who feels safe from elimination, and is looking forward to meeting his model. Vincent is confident too, saying he has his "own style", which is always code for "my stuff is ugly". Everyone heads out. The chalkboard in Malan/Bradley/Michael/Robert's room has "GET US SOME BEDS!" written on it. Heh. People get to the workroom, and spring right into action. Keith reminds us that Tim asked him to add elaboration to his dress. He did so, adding a placemat around the waist and some chains to the neck. Now he can't wait to tear all that off and go back to his original design. No offense, Keith, but maybe Tim didn't mean for you to add elaboration that was so damn fugly. Stacey is worried. Malan likes Laura's dress. She thinks she's created something elegant, restrained, and glamorous. It's totally beautiful already, and she's not even done. Kayne admires Michael's dress. Tim comes in and tells them the models are coming in momentarily, and there are three hours to get everything done.

Models stream in. I'm sure we'll get their names later. Alison's model tells her that she would totally wear what Alison has created. Aw. Bonnie's dress doesn't fit the model's chest at all, and she's completely stymied. The model recommends "double sided tape - and lots of it." Hahahaha! Stacey's dress is too sheer, and you can see the model's naughty bits. Well, you can't because they don't show us, but we'll take Stacey's word for it. She takes some more of the sheer material (the bedroom curtains, I think), and begins to make a quick little set of panties to wear under the dress. You'd think she could have foreseen this last night, but whatever. Vincent. Oh, Vincent. He's draped some chain on the basket (which he calls "kooky"), and plops it on the model's head. He adds some sunglasses. It's ridiculous. She looks like she's about to spring into a performance piece called "I Am The Bean Goddess of Neptune". Bonnie agrees with me, saying it looked like the model was about to get beamed up. Uli says that she wanted to say something to him about the stupid hat, but that he seemed so proud of it. That's pretty much the first and last we'll hear from Uli tonight. Bye, Uli! Vincent considers adding a bit of the red bathmat material to the hat. Sure, why not? You can't make it any uglier.

Models get made up. I have no urge to wear cosmetics, but I covet that makeup spray gun. I'd put melted butter in it or something. That'd make movie night a blast. Vincent bugs the stylist about his model's hair, like anyone will notice it under that fucking basket. People make some last minute adjustments, and Tim announces that it's time to go.

Commercials. Stick to your own channel, Ryan Seacrest. Avoiding you is one of the perks of this one.

Runway show. Heidi describes the prizes. A spread in Elle, a mentorship with INC (a design company), representation from a designers' management agency, a 2007 Saturn Sky (which I'm dying to test drive - they look great, if impractical), and $100,000. She goes on to recap the challenge, which we all know about. We meet the judges. Michael! Nina! And guest judge Kate Spade. Oooh, cool. I've often said that I'm very ignorant when it comes to names in fashion, so if I know who it is, it's probably someone very qualified to be judging. Shots of the designers. Some of them are better-looking than I first realized. Bradley (if he got rid of that beard) and Uli in particular. Let's start the show!

Sweet! Laura's dress is first, modeled by Katie. Goodness. A judge and a designer named Michael. A model and a designer named Katie. We're going to need some nicknames soon. Laura's outfit is stunningly gorgeous. The basis of the dress is light blue or purple sheets. The neckline and cuffs have been accentuated with white fur rug, and the mirrored spangles from the chandelier are used as decoration at the bottom and as trim. A beaded wall hanging has been made into a pearl necklace of sorts. Laura voices-over that her entire body was smiling. She's totally my favorite. Bradley's dress (modeled by Camilla). I like Bradley, so it pains me to say that I don't care for his dress. It's basically a comforter in a tubular shape that foofs at the bottom a bit. There's a shawl/cape made out of a fuzzy mattress pad. That's about it.

Keith's dress (modeled by Nazri). The dress is really pretty, and is helped along by the fact that Nazri is incredibly beautiful. It's a fairly simple royal blue dress with a bias cut at the bottom and red duvet cover buttons in the back. Nazri has poofed out her afro and is wearing several wooden beads, and the whole effect is great. Keith dismisses the other designers' work as "costumey". He's going to ruin any warm sentiment I have toward his clothing, isn't he? Sad. Angela's dress (modeled by Clarissa, who does not explain it all). Sorry, that's a terrible joke, and she probably hears it all the time. The dress is very odd. It's a frilly vest that does not close across the chest, but is held together by a leather belt. The skirt is the black leather chaise cover, and she's holding fake flowers slung over her shoulder for apparently no reason. I'm confused by the whole thing. Kayne's dress (modeled by Jia). You can really see the pageant inspiration that's probably going to go into all his work. The front is red bathmat as the bustier, a small line of black leather at the waist, and a white sheet dress that comes down to just above the knee. The real action is in the back, where there's a curvy swirl of the red bathmat material that flows each time Jia takes a step. It's quite cool.

Malan's dress (modeled by Moon). Can I ask where Malan gets his high and mighty attitude? It certainly wasn't achieved through compliments on his talent, unless he does all of his design work around morons or liars. The top is an ill-fitting, short-sleeved jacket made from a rug. The skirt is ottoman fabric that appears to be light gray. Malan voices-over that he was worried that his work might be "misperceived". I think what he's really worried about is that this crap will be perceived entirely correctly. Bonnie's dress (modeled by Toni). It's ugly. It still doesn't fit in the chest at all. It looks rushed and unfinished. The pattern is a red, white, and black duvet cover with some polka dots on it. The whole thing's a mess.

Gnat: "Bonnie doesn't even look like a designer. She looks like she should be working at a cake-decorating place."

Katie's dress (modeled by Candace). The top is a comforter that has been styled into a sleeveless jacket that has a hood that can be pulled down into a collar. The bottom of the jacket opens out to reveal the blue plastic bag dress underneath. Candace takes the jacket off to reveal the full bag dress, which was a mistake. The jacket over the dress was neato. The dress by itself is, no pun intended, trashy. Michael's dress (modeled by Alexandra). His dress is a miniskirt fashioned entirely out of coffee filters (though there's an underlay of muslin providing structural integrity). The filters fan out and flutter in the breeze as Alexandra comes down the runway, and it's really pretty for something that's monochromatic and made out of one material.

Vincent's dress (modeled by Lindsay). Oh, Vincent. Simple periwinkle dress. White pockets with yellow adornment. Sunglasses. Basket with chains wrapped around it on the head. So very unimaginative and so very ugly. If he had cut the basket and put it behind her head as a sort of fan, it may have looked better, but as it is, she just looks stupid. I hope Vincent and his wife have some money other than that 401K saved somewhere. Michael (Kors, that is) narrows his eyes in disgust. Alison's dress (modeled by Amanda). It's cute, but unremarkable, much like Alison herself. It's a white, short-sleeved bedsheet dress that is accessorized with a necklace made from a beaded curtain. Stacey's dress (modeled by Marilinda). It's a white, sleeveless dress with a chain-link (I guess those are the shower rungs) belt. The bottom of the dress is loose, sheer, and flowing, and comes all the way down to Marilinda's feet. You can, indeed, see right through the skirt to the panties underneath.

Robert's dress (modeled by Danielle). It's hard to describe, but it's kind of like a tennis outfit, but backless, and with a red ribbon belt. Jeweled wall hangings make the necklace, but I can't really concentrate on that, because Danielle has the biggest forehead ever. Danielle has a sevenhead. You could screen Gone With the Wind on her face. She thankfully turns around to reveal red bows at the waist and in the center of her back. Uli's dress (modeled by Katia). It's lovely. The dress is sleeveless, cleavage-baring, and is made of light gray curtains. It's trimmed with yellow ribbon and there's another wall-hanging necklace, this one constructed of yellow beads. Super cute. Good God, aren't we done? No. Jeffrey's dress (modeled by Javi). When she comes out, she flings her sleeves to create a dramatic feather explosion. No, I'm not making that up. All flash, no substance; much like Jeffrey himself. When Tim said the jacket and dress were competing for attention, he was dead-on, as usual. Both the dress and jacket are flowing mauve, light blue, and dark blue material. She almost looks like she's wearing a muumuu. There's a chain necklace and a sagging bustline. Jeffrey, of course, is wearing studded sunglasses indoors, because PLEASE PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME! LOOK HOW REBELLIOUS AND ARTISTIC AND NAUGHTY AND COOL I AM! Unfortunately for him, the outfit does nothing to warrant his self-satisfaction. Bleh.

Finally! The designers come onto the runway. The judges scribble. Step forward when Heidi calls your name. Alison. Bradley. Angela. Kayne. Malan. Bonnie. Katie. Michael. Uli. If your name has been called, congratulations and sorry. You don't rock. You don't suck. They're all safe. The remaining six have the highest and lowest scores, and it's not hard to pick out which is which. I disagree with these choices. Vincent, Jeffrey, Laura, and Keith all belong here in their respective categories, but Uli's dress was far prettier than Robert's, and Bonnie's dress was far uglier than Stacey's. The models emerge. Laura describes her materials. Michael thinks it's chic and wearable. Yay! The only criticism she gets is that the tinkling of the chandelier pieces is a bit noisy. She agrees that it's not for a wallflower. Vincent. Everyone hates the hat. Heidi asks him to remove it. Kate says that the hat was so distracting that she didn't even notice the dress, which is exactly what happened with me. Vincent says he used the basket because he was trying to do something different. Wow, it's a good thing the challenge wasn't to express yourself as a designer, huh? Wait a minute. Yep, I said the exact same thing about Lupe. What will it take for you people to listen to the challenge? Heidi describes it about forty times per episode.

Heidi tells Keith that his dress is really well made. He goes into a long-winded story about Scarlett O'Hara's dress and the Carol Burnett show when they made fun of it. Classic episode. His point is that he wanted the dress to look like real clothing and that going crazy with weird materials would have come off as a joke. I find myself liking him less and less, but I agree. All the judges love it. Guess you don't have a problem with their taste now, Keith. Stacey. They don't think her dress is wearable (that it's overly provocative), that it looks like she ran out of time, that her execution was poor, and that it doesn't fit on top. I mean, it's not stellar, but it's not that bad. Robert. All of the judges think his dress is really pretty, especially the beaded crisscross with the bow on it in the back. Robert says that he likes the outfit to look different from different directions. Jeffrey. The judges say that it's a very busy outfit, and that the feather display distracted from the dress. Whoa, who could have foreseen that? You know, besides everyone who's successfully completed third grade. He offers up some defense, mostly in the vein of wanting her to look "deconstructed" (more fashion code for "ugly"). The judges say that there were so many layers that they couldn't even figure out where each piece of the outfit was. What's below "remedial", Jeffrey? Cause that's where you are. The designers are sent off.

Deliberations. Heidi likes Keith and Robert's dresses. No way is Robert's prettier than Laura's. Robert's dress fit well. Keith's presentation was flawless. Laura's was creative and beautiful. Vincent's hat basket was the dumbest idea ever. Stacey was all over the place and her dress aimed for sexy and missed. Jeffrey. Heidi worries that they have another Santino on their hands. Good catch, Heidi. One would think that you'd learn from your mistakes and take this opportunity to kick that person off early this time. Hint, hint. They didn't like the messy design of the dress, nor the fact that it was long in front and short in the back. The judges reach a decision. The designers are called back out.

Hmmm, what to do this season when Heidi explains to the designers on each end of a commercial break that one of them will win and one of them will be out? I know. I've been feeling kind of mean and misanthropic lately. I'll use this time to say something nice about someone I don't like. George Bush looks really good for 60. He does. I'd be interested to know his skin care routine.

Laura is in. Still love her. And now for the winner. Keith. OK. Though he may be steadily falling in my estimation, I have no argument against that. Of course, this means he's snagged immunity, so he'll be free as a bird to be an asshole next week. Won't that be fun? Laura congratulates him backstage. Robert is in. Vincent is in. Huh. I actually thought he'd be the one to go. It's down to the bottom two. Jeffrey tried to do too much, and his dress was unfocused and unmatched. Stacey wasn't innovative enough and her execution was poor. Stacey... You're out. Jeffrey is dismissed. Boo! Stacey certainly didn't wow me, but worst of the fifteen? No way. She interviews that she felt she expressed herself well. Tim and the other designers bid her goodbye. She doesn't know what's next for her, but seems to be at ease with herself and glad for the experience. Aw.

This season on Project Runway: Shocking challenges. Harried models. Good vs. Evil (i.e., Laura vs. Keith). Annoying vs. Less Annoying (i.e., Jeffrey vs. Angela). Kayne wants people to get along. Malan laughs obnoxiously. Angela and Michael shake their booties. Alison is boring some more. Someone's gonna be sick. Angela throws a tantrum. People shred each other on the runway. Tim tells someone that something they did is completely against the rules of the show. Ooh, I'm looking forward to that one.

Overall Grade: B


Anonymous said...

I didn't think that Stacey's dress was that bad. Vincent's dress was the worst, Uglyhat or not. I think they kept him on because he has an eccentric personality.

Limecrete said...

I don't think it was that bad, either. But it was definitely unimpressive. That, coupled with her lack of technical skill and the fact that she seems like a perfectly nice, normal person doomed her.