Friday, September 19, 2008

Make Me Up Before You Go Go

America's Next Top Model - Season 11, Episode 3

Previously on America's Next Top Model: Hannah was exposed as a sort-of racist. Nikeysha babbled her way into elimination. Twelve girls remain. Who will be eliminated tonight?

Tyra meets the girls at the pad for a princess-themed, tiara-wearing rap session that looks like grand fun. For six-year-olds. Thus, the girls love it. Tyra informs them that the time has come for makeovers, and the usual shrieks ensue. For the first time in history, it appears that the girls actually realize what the makeover episode is all about, and nobody breaks down into hysterical shock when their hair is cut.

Marjorie's hair is dyed brown, and looks better than I thought it would. Joslyn gets a long weave that works well on her. Hannah gets a heavily-banged bob that looks awful in the salon, but looks better in subsequent parts of the episode. Samantha gets a super-cute pixie cut. Clark's hair is dyed dark brown, which doesn't work on her at all. Honestly, she's just not that pretty. Lauren Brie goes ice blond and looks exactly the same. Sheena gets some highlights. Analeigh getzzz... Isis gets extensions that look pretty good. McKey's hair is dyed black and chopped into a asymmetrical cut. It would look terrible on anyone else, but she manages to carry it off. Brittany gets a wavy weave and looks the same. Elina is the girl chosen to get the traditional "extreme" look, which is reminiscent of the Weave That Destroyed Tokyo. It's a fairly unattractive red weave. She might be able to work it, but it'll take some talent.

The girls are carted off to WalMart for a makeup challenge, once again destroying any right this show ever had to whine about how certain girls aren't "high-fashion" enough to represent them. After some bullshit product placement, Hannah wins the challenge and will be on some online ad that nobody will ever see. Back at the pad, conversation turns to mothers. All is hearts and flowers between Brittany and her mom, but Elina kind of hates hers. That gives Brittany an opportunity to indulge in her favorite hobby: passing judgment on others. She has a valid point that publicly trashing the woman who financially supports you is kind of assy, but her smug self-satisfaction is obnoxious. Plus, mind your own business. Brittany doesn't know what goes on in that household.

Anyhoo, the photo shoot this week is a general swimsuit shot. A lot of girls excel. Samantha, Joslyn, Elina, McKey, Sheena, Marjorie, and Lauren Brie all look good. Isis and Hannah are passable, Clark and Brittany are bland, and Analeigh izzz... At panel, Elina is called first, and while I don't think her photo was the best, she certainly deserves some credit for getting a good shot with that weird hair plopped on her head. Down at the bottom, Brittany and Analeigh are both pretty, but about as interesting as waiting in line at the DMV. I'd be happy with either of them getting cut, so am pleased as punch when Brittany gets chopped. Was it really only two episodes ago I thought she'd go all the way? Huh. Well, I certainly don't mind being wrong in this case. Back to the Future fadeout.

Next week on America's Next Top Model: Bowling. A possible early elimination takes a girl out mid-challenge.

Overall Grade: B+

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