Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blue Suede Snooze

Project Runway - Season 5, Episode 11

For this evening's challenge, the producers put elements of other challenges in a blender and hit puree. After jettisoning three models, the designers are free to pick a new one. Though it seems likely that everyone will stick with their original model, they actually change it up a little. Leanne yoinks Suede's model, which causes him to sniff that she's "like a kid in a candy store; always wants what someone else has". What a lovely potpourri of metaphors. Kids in candy stores don't want what other kids have. They want candy. Doofus.

The models aren't even used in this challenge, because the designers are told they'll be designing for each other. But wait! There's more! Each outfit must be inspired by a particular music genre. Suede designs a rock and roll outfit for Jerell, which makes him look like...Jerell. Korto designs a punk outfit for Suede, and although she doesn't exactly set the world aflame, the jeans fit well and the bleach treatment looks nice. Jerell makes a pop outfit for Kenley, and makes her look awesome. True, pop is about the easiest genre to design for, but Jerell pulls it off with aplomb. Leanne designs a country outfit for Korto, which is exactly as hilarious as it sounds. And Kenley? Oof. Kenley, who can't design anything that you couldn't find in a vintage shop, must design a hip-hop outfit for Leanne, who may be the whitest person in America. It turns out predictably awful, and she doesn't help her cause by mouthing off to Tim and the judges (including LL Cool J) about how they don't understand hip-hop. You heard me.

Korto and Jerell are given high marks, with Korto taking the challenge win. Leanne is fair-to-middling, and is declared safe, leaving Suede and Kenley in the bottom two. Although her outfit is far worse than his, her overall design potential is considered higher, not to mention the fact that she's certainly letting her bitch flag fly proud these days. So Suede is cut, which causes fans of fashion and grammar alike to heave a sigh of relief. I guess Leanne taking his model doesn't make much difference now.

Overall Grade: B+

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