Friday, September 19, 2008

Cap and Gowns

Project Runway - Season 5, Episode 10

Remember that episode of The Simpsons where they re-edit the end of Gone With the Wind to give it a bland ending so that it'll be palatable to senile old people? It's like they took that concept and spread it across this entire season. Tonight's challenge deals with mothers, which as we all know, has the potential to create some very delicious conflict. But not these snoozers. The specific challenge is to create an outfit for young women who have just graduated college and are entering the workforce. The catch is that the girls' moms have come along to offer advice and criticism.

Tim Gunn: "They are both your clients."
Tiffany: "So make them look like whores."

None of the clients give anyone much trouble, with the minor exception of the mother bugging Leanne, but even she's not that bad. So, clothes are constructed. Limecrete wanders to the dining room to stock up on wine and cheese. Runway show.

Leanne makes some changes to please the chatty mother, but manages to retain her aesthetic. It turns out well. Kenley makes yet another retro dress, turning her girl into a miniature version of herself. Her nasal voice and snide attitude is starting to really grate. Korto does fine work as usual. She's really the most versatile and talented designer. Joe makes a shockingly ill-fitting outfit that looks like crap. Jerell's is fine. Suede's dress isn't entirely tragic, but it doesn't suit the girl or her chosen profession. Plus, the jacket over the dress is hideous. When it comes down to decisions, Kenley, Korto, and Jerell land in the top three. Jerell wins, which is a lot more understandable this time. That leaves Leanne, Joe, and Suede in the bottom three. Leanne is clearly head and shoulders above the other two, and is declared safe almost immediately. Even though Suede has pretty much thoroughly sucked and Joe has had one or two triumphs, nobody can overlook just how bad Joe's entry is this week, and he's eliminated. Then he says he'll teach his daughters that dreams can be so big that they'll consume you. Or something.

Overall Grade: C+

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