Thursday, September 04, 2008


America's Next Top Model - Season 11 Casting Special

We're back for Cycle 11, which is good news if only for getting some truly stupid girls off the streets and out of the general public's hair. I'm generally not a fan of the opening hour of the premiere, as it tends to always be the same winnowing process, but with different annoying girls. But something strange happened with this one. It hardly rubbed me the wrong way at all! In fact, dare I say, I liked it. I think it may have something to do with the fact that instead of three nice girls and thirty deluded bitches, the proportion has flipped. Now, most of the girls seem to really want to be models, instead of scrounging for camera time by acting as twatty as they can.

Not that there aren't exceptions. Tyra loves her archetypes. There's the vegan. The deprogrammed Mormon. The girl kidnapped to be a Saudi bride. The bitch. The waif. The token plus-size girl. The biracial girl. The semi-bisexual. The ghetto girl. The judgmental snot. The tranny. Oh, you heard me. One of the "girls" is a pre-op transexual, which has the potential to be obnoxious. But again, in a strange twist, it's really quite touching. Isis could have come with a me-against-the-world attitude, but she manages to make no apologies for who she is, while still being as friendly as possible to girls who wrinkle their noses in disgust.

The opening hour also always has a laughable theme, and in this case, it's futuristic technology. Makes sense. Tyra is 60% android, and the two Jays may as well be molded out of plastic. Speaking of, OJ is looking grosser by the season. Is that his "futuristic" costume or his "aging lesbian" costume? Panel interviews showcase the girls' various psychoses. The thirty-three semi-finalists are whittled down to twenty. Aw, deprogrammed Mormon will not be moving on to the metallic catsuit portion of the hour. What a shame. The girls choose their own pose before Tyra and the Jays do the final cut. I'm happy to see that the judgmental snot will not be moving into the house, because five minutes of her was about all I could take. Also cut is the plus-sizer (who needs them since Whitney won?), and a girl who majored in English Literature at Harvard, but doesn't know who Jane Eyre is. My poor blog's namesake weeps in despair. After the dust settles, fourteen girls make it in:

-Ghetto Asian (Sheena)
-Boring Girl (Analeigh)
-Saleisha Wannabe (Nikeysha)
-French Waif (Marjorie)
-Naive Teen (Samantha)
-Exotic Bisexual (Elina -- LabRat's early favorite)
-Biracial Hottie (Brittany R. -- Limecrete's early favorite)
-Annoying Egomaniac (Brittney B.)
-Side-Talking Cage-Fighter (Brittany S. -- No, I'm not kidding -- three girls named Brittany)
-Small-Town Rube (Hannah)
-Pre-Op Transexual (Isis)
-Bitch (Clark)
-Twelve-Head (Lauren Brie)
-Squeaky Old Lady (Joslyn -- Who's got one foot in the grave at the ripe old age of 23)

That's a lot of ovaries. Let's move on to the second hour of the premiere, where we can cut a couple loose (or not, if Isis takes the fall).

Overall Grade: B

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