Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We Are Spartans

America's Next Top Model - Season 10, Episode 10

Previously on America's Next Top Model: Fatima got sick, but improved in time to do relatively well with the CoverGirl commercial. Whitney was called out for being too fake, but there was no getting around how awful Lauren's performance was, and no amount of great photos could save her from getting the boot in the country shaped like one. Five girls remain. Who will be eliminated tonight?

The girls discuss how the judges treat them at panel. Whitney and Fatima have a brief, catty bonding moment, backstabbing Katarzyna by gossipping about how bland she is. I guess I can't be too harsh, as I kind of agree. Later, the girls are taken to a picturesque ruin to get some quick and dirty training in gladiator fight moves. After getting dressed up like Xena extras, they're pitted against a beefy warrior for an impromptu photo challenge. Dominique appears petrified, as if he's actually going to run her through with his sword. Which I guess is an understandable fear if you're Dominique. Whitney wins the challenge and 1000 euros to go shopping with, but kindly chooses to split the loot with Anya.

Later, the girls head to a castle to be photographed by Tyra, and they're all styled as Renaissance hookers. Or something. Tyra tells them to act in the manner of the period, but also to act as if they've just had a night at the club, and be sure to give it a modern twist. Great direction, Tyra. Why not just give them some advice like "I want you to act like a carrot, but a carrot that has just been laid off from its job as a plumber. And...go!" Anya, Dominique, and Fatima all do well, but Katarzyna continues her reign of bland, and Whitney's "best shot" is nothing of the kind. Fix! At panel, the minor, subservient judges dutifully stroke Tyra's ego, and pretend she's an amazing photographer. Dominique gets rightfully chastised for looking trashy as hell, while Katarzyna and Whitney sink to the bottom two. Whitney struggles through for yet another week, and Katarzyna walks the plank with her head held high. Back to the Future fadeout.

Next week on America's Next Top Model: Fatima and Dominique continue their mini-competition to see whose inflated sense of self-worth is bigger. Nigel has issues with the photo shoot.

Overall Grade: B

1 comment:

La Loca said...

...seriously, how many producers is Dominique blowing to stay in this competition?