Thursday, October 09, 2008

There Goes the Bride

Project Runway - Season 5, Episode 13

Before the designers are sent home to complete their lines for Fashion Week, Heidi springs another challenge on them. One of the looks must be a wedding dress that represents the designer's vision and their line in general. That dispensed with, the designers disperse to various parts of the country, and Tim goes to check in on them some weeks later.

Korto has a sweet workspace in Little Rock, and rocks out on some African drums to show the cultural inspiration that goes into her work. She also introduces her family, including an adorable daughter, to Tim. From there, it's on to Portland, Oregon, where Leanne makes him ride a bicycle. It's just as amusing as you're picturing it to be, and amazing that he's able to keep such perfect posture as he rides. After meeting Jerell's brood in Los Angeles, Tim wraps up the visits in New York, where Kenley shows off some promising work and an awesome old picture of her grandma. I'm not sure how telling it is that she's the only designer to not present friends or family to Tim.

The designers reconvene, and though Kenley is still not the most popular kid on the block, the other designers begrudgingly welcome her. As in seasons past, yet another challenge is foisted upon the designers before the runway show: They must make a companion bridesmaid dress to go with the wedding dress. Kenley, who was showing promise in not being as whiny as in weeks past, pisses it away by complaining that other designers are copying her because they're editing their bridesmaid dresses to be shorter. Shut the fuck up, lady.

At the runway show, Leanne is deservedly praised for a terrific wedding/bridesmaid dress combination. Kenley's is declared a bit derivative, but is good enough to get her passed to the finals. That leaves Jerell and Korto, both of whom did a pretty crappy job on the final challenge. Though Korto's is uglier, she has a lot more design potential than Jerell, so nobody at the viewing party minds when he's eliminated. So it's an all-female final three, and for the first time, I'm pretty sure all three lines will be tasteful. No exploding turkeys on the runway, for once! How refreshing.

Overall Grade: B-

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